& Service
Mytt Beach Hotel’s Services, in Pattaya
The wide range of services at the Mytt Beach Hotel in Pattaya have been carefully prepared to meet the needs of both business travellers and couples, families and friends seeking great facilities for rest and relaxation combined with a choice of leisure opportunities for dream vacations in Pattaya. Enjoy an unforgettable stay in our 5-star hotel in the heart of North Pattaya.
Moon Spa
Set in the more quiet and private side of floor 12A with Lola’s Dream and the Pool, you can find our highly coveted Moon Spa. Our enticing retreat into another world of peace and tranquility houses expert masseuses and four private rooms for a selection of Spa Treatments, and Oil or Thai massage.
Mytt provides a Personal Car Service, giving you the option to avoid relying on unreliable transportation apps. We can ensure you keep to your schedule, no matter what the time or weather. To tailor your needs we keep a selection of Mid Size Sedans, Luxury Sedans or Commuter Van all with safe and competent drivers. For getting around the immediate area, Mytt offers a complimentary golf cart service to ferry guests. Find our drivers ready to roll in the parkway out front!
MOVE Fitness
No need to compromise on your workout routine, we have everything you need to stay true to your regimen. Outfitted with panoramic views of the mountain to the city and the sea our gym space is complete with Top of the Line Pre Cor exercise machines, treadmills, stair climbers, stationary bikes, heavy weight rack, and space for yoga and stretching. We also have mens and womens steam and sauna rooms found in our private lockerroom.